Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happiness is...

For those of you that know me well, you know that this past year has been pretty rough regarding my Ulcerative Colitis (UC). From searching for a new doctor, advocating for my own care and getting extremely frustrated while experimenting with a new diet, I have been exhausted. I decided to take a couple of months off of running because I simply could not run more than a couple of minutes without stopping to use the restroom. So much for running as a stress reliever! My energy was tanking and my mood was soon to follow. I didn't want to do anything but lay around. Then things started to look up and my favorite season rolled around: Autumn.

Although I haven't felt a whole lot better, my symptoms improved enough to start back running. No music, just me and the crisp fall air. And endorphins. Ahh! Endorphins! How I missed you so! Now, after 20 years of hitting the pavement, going out for a 30 min run isn't such a big deal, even if it had been 3 months. It's amazing how your body remembers. Sure, there is a little soreness and my heart and lungs have some acclimating to do. But...damn it feels good! The rest of my day was productive, energized and most important, my day was pleasant. Which got me to thinking about the different aspects of happiness.

It goes without saying that staying active is a big part of my pursuit of happiness. It doesn't mean that I have to break course records every time I'm out on the track. But I must move my body. Let's explore the other aspects of general happiness:
    - Mindset This is a big one. Do you have faith? Are you focused on something important to you?
      Do you have expectations and do you have gratitude?
    - Interaction with others. Relationships, associations, connections and forgiveness help give us a
      sense of importance and purpose.
    - Actions  Do you plan, make goals and follow through? Do you celebrate those goals and the    
      actions of others? Do you try new things? Are hobbies a part of your free time?
    - Body  How active are you in your daily life and also through exercise? Do you eat right, get
      enough sleep and manage stress appropriately?
    - Avoidance  of negativity. This includes negative Nancies at work, your nosy neighbor or simply
      bad news on TV. Do you really benefit from watching the latest arrests on the evening news?

As a member of a coaching staff for a local swim club, we try to drive in the "mindset" and "avoidance" aspect of happiness. Negativity spreads like a cancer and one sourpuss can really turn a practice south if the athletes play into someone's bad attitude. This is something that I have noticed in my personal life, too. I gauge my mood off of my husband at the end of the day. If we greet each other in a mediocre or negative tone, the rest of the evening isn't quite as cordial. So do your loved ones a favor and put on a smile.

As the saying goes, fake it until you make it!