Gift-giving time is here my friends! Here are a few great ideas for the active folks in your life. If you're like me, though, you might just keep a few purchases for yourself, too :)
Gray Cook Bands This multipurpose bands have built-in door anchors and padded grips for comfort while performing pre-hab type exercises as prescribed by your FMS specialist (give Amy a call to schedule a free Functional Movement Screen to assess your injury risk - 575.749.6756 / I recommend starting with a very light (purple) or light (pink) band.
Smartwool Socks I'm not going to lie, these are pricey. But they last forever and feel like butter on your feet. Great for hot or cold weather.
YakTrax If you love to walk, run or hike no matter what the road or trail conditions, these are an absolute must have. They easily slip onto most shoes and boots and are very lightweight. I personally have run on solid sheets of ice without any problem while wearing yaktrax. This is also a great emergency item to have in your car in case the weather turns and you need better traction for your shoes.
TRX Rip Trainer (left) This is the new kid on the block and a lot of fun. The focus of the rip trainer is to build stabilization through anti-rotation. If you are into martial arts, there are lots of great moves just for you. If you aren't into martial arts, there are still lots of fun things to do on this versatile tool for your home gym.
EF Swag If you haven't gotten your hands on our new American Apparel cotton tees or custom-embroidered Headsweats Performance Caps or Visors, you are missing out! All are made in the good old US of A. Typo in lower image has been corrected
Foam Roller These self-massage tools have a wide range of uses and Perform Better has a nice (free!) guide for basic foam rolling technique. Less dense rollers are nice for beginners, but they lose their shape with regular use. High density rollers last much longer and are firmer for those looking for deep(er) tissue work. For you beasts out there, there's a PVC pipe covered in cloth. Perform Better is offering their molded rollers at %20 off and free shipping on orders over $49 through 12.31.12 Use this link to take advantage!
Compression Socks Zensah makes my favorite pair of compression sleeves. They come in a variety of colors and are great if you experience calf pain after runs/workouts. More for high-mileage folks or speed work days. Most people use them for recovery after a workout as opposed to working out with them. It's up to you.
Endurox Everyone has their favorite sports drinks/gus/recovery tools. This is one of mine. Endurox is fantastic for intense workouts (not just cardio) lasting more than 60 minutes. It is also one of the few products on the market that has actual scientific research to back up it's claims. I prefer the fruit punch. For intense workouts less than 60 min, cut the serving size down
SPI Belt I received mine as a gift and sort of tossed this mini fanny pack aside. Then I gave it a try. I love it! I don't care for putting my ipod on my arm and this is a nice alternative. Also, if you just want to carry a couple of gus or a bar without a giant belt, they fit perfectly. Also a nice spot for cash and id....yes, you should carry some with you.
Waterproof Tunes This splurge gift might just help you get through your winter yardage. Waterproof headphones must be purchased as well.
No matter what you choose, find something that will help you achieve your goals. Even if it's just squeezing in an extra few minutes on that elliptical or one final set on the rack. Stay active, friends. Happy Holidays!
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