Sunday, December 8, 2013

Clean Eating Challenge Winners

Yes, the title of this blog post is CEC Winners, not Winner. Dozens of you made sustainable changes toward a cleaner lifestyle. And as cheesy as it sounds, that makes you all winners.

Congratulations to all who competed and completed the Elevated Fitness Clean Eating 30 Day Challenge. November was a big month, and so many of you found success in the Challenge. Inches and pounds were lost, bodies toned up, and you found an overwhelming sense of accomplishment from setting a goal and seeing it through. Here's what you are saying about your experiences:

"I am so thankful it came around when it did. Husband deployed so I felt free to try more things...I felt like you did this just for me & that you were e-mailing me personally. I really appreciate the time & effort, I am healthier because of you."

"So glad this came along when it did! I needed this jump start. I feel if I had not been in so much pain because of my shoulder I would have been able to put more exercise in and lost more! I want to do another challenge once I have recovered from surgery! Thank you!!!!"

"I loved it. I thought I knew clean eating, but I learned so much more in the last 30 days."

"Thank you for doing this!!! It was awesome to feel apart of a group while making healthy lifestyle changes!"

"For real beginners, [changing] to a new lifestyle was a really hard challenge. I had a couple slip ups and falls, but kept pressing through. Said if i didn't like it, its only 30 days."

"I work nights at the hospital and I survive on Diet Pepsi. I thank you for getting me off of it."

Quite a few of you were gracious enough to take the time to fill out my lengthy survey. Based off of your responses, here are few changes that I will consider when creating the next CEC:

- supply a shopping list
- offer a more one-on-one interface
- more juicing ideas

I also have a few things up my sleeve that I am working on for the next Challenge, but those will be special surprises. 

But enough about that…

Who won the $100 prize?
A big wa-hoo goes out to ……


I am laughing a little bit right now…out of the 257 folks that registered for this event, I drew the name of an old friend from St. Louis. We met in 2007-ish(?). Tracie is an exercise physiologist and personal trainer in metro St. Louis. 

To quote Tracie's thoughts on the 30DC, 

"This was a great program. I have been thinking for a long time that I needed to eliminate artificial sweeteners and this was the challenge I needed. I loved the fact that a few of my clients also participated and we could talk about our progress and concerns! Clean eating is a challenge, even for some of us in the fitness industry! Thanks, Amy!"

Even those of us who spend most of our day preaching to others have a hard time cleaning up. Great job, Tracie!

Thanks again to all who participated, and stay tuned for the next Challenge!